Discipleship–Who’s your 1 or 2 for discipleship?

As we become more Uncommen and continue our pathway to Spiritual growth and maturity, we are called to make disciples.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19, NIV).  We are instructed to love God, love others, and make disciples.  It seems to be a simple task, love God and extend His love to others through the Holy Spirit who has been given to you through Jesus.  Spend intentional time with others and then repeat the process.  It was through a loving community that I realized the importance of discipleship relationships leading me to begin the Uncommen charter in Iowa.  I will also share that the most crucial discipleship relationship we can start starts at home with our children.  Let the kids see you in the morning, beginning the day reading a Bible or sharing a devotional with your spouse.  Too often, the day starts on Facebook, email, or text messaging, and the screen time addiction begins way too soon.  Stepping into a group or jumping out in bold faith to lead a group grows your confidence exponentially.  It also models a healthy spiritual awareness to the family when leading by example.  Together we can build stronger faith-filled families when we center ourselves in Christ and share His message intentionally.  The Holy Spirit will fill you in Uncommen ways as you draw nearer to Him.  It is time to step out, be bold, and go on an Uncommen mission.  

Are you willing to invest in 2-5 individuals?

Are you willing to begin a discipleship relationship with your children?

Challenge: I challenge you to develop at least 3 intentional relationships this year.

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