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Be a Living Stone

Welcome to the Living Stone page. I am so glad you are here. I am Lew, a Doctor of Ministry candidate at Bethel University concentrating on family and congregational care. Together with my wife Karen, we launched the Living Stone on June 27, 2021. God laid it on our hearts in 2019 to plant a missional-based ministry and become missionaries in our backyard. After a year of prayer and working with refugee communities, we founded the World Grace Project. Jesus planted us in the lives of others and gave us the nudge to launch discipleship and a missional-based microchurch.

The Living Stone was born using Acts 2:42-46 as the model of the church and 1 Peter 2:4-5 as the foundation. Today, we utilize Zoom technology to reach those near and far. It is not an ordinary online church for video consumption but one in which we meet live. We love, laugh, and cry together as an extended spiritual family in Africa, Hait and across the United States.

My passion for spiritual formation and discipleship has led to the foundation of the 318 Foundation for leadership and ministry training. Currently, there are twelve brothers and sisters participating from Haiti and Sierra Leone. It is crucial to empower others to drop Living Stones in their communities.
Karen’s passion for the spiritual elements of food and grace found around the table led to the establishment of the World Grace Project and numerous uses of hydroponic plant systems to connect to the community. All pieces of the Living Stone come together to love others radically as we have been loved by Jesus. I pray that you will join us in our mission of empowering others to become world-changers for Christ and love others radically.
Pastor Lew